Mozambique Carbon Initiatives Lda. (MozCarbon), is a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of Mozambique with registered address at Avenida Filipe Samuel Magaia No. 1675, Maputo, Mozambique.

The company operates in the clean technology sectors to reduce emission of greenhouse gases and to promote sustainable development in all components: environment, social and economic aspects. Its main areas of operations include Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+), and the dissemination of clean cooking technologies (Improved charcoal and wood stoves).  MozCarbon’s core objective is to develop and implement REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) projects, A/R (Afforestation / Reforestation) projects, IFM (Improved Forest Management) projects as well as ICS (Improved Cook Stove) projects throughout Mozambique.

To this effect, MozCarbon has partnered with international organizations, institutions, stakeholders in the public and private sectors, civil societies, international development agencies and donors in general, to develop, produce/import and disseminate up to 85.000 ICS in Mozambique. The company has invested considerable resources, time and manpower, into feasibility studies for the implementation of REDD+, A/R, ICS and IFM.  Field works to identify potential areas for the implementation of REDD+ projects have been conducted in provinces across the whole country since 2011 which has resulted in 18 Projects Idea Notes (PINs). These were then shortlisted and submitted for approval to the National Designated Authority of Mozambique. The outcome of the field works (mapping, baseline for deforestation rates and socio-economic indicators) were submitted to the former Ministry of Environment (MICOA), currently called MITADER (Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development) as well as to the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG), currently called MASA (Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security) and were used as part of the main documentation to draft the approved REDD+ National Decree, and more recently the REDD+ National Strategy.

At this point in time, the company registered a Program of Activities (PoA) and first 3 VPAs (Voluntary Project Activity) on the dissemination of ICS stoves, to create an enabling environment for the distribution of clean cooking technologies in Mozambique. Through this mechanism, four main goals will be simultaneously achieved:

  • Reduction of Green House Gas emissions through the reduction in consumption of wood and charcoal biomass;
  • Decrease pressure on forests and thus diminishing forest degradation and deforestation;
  • Reduction of indoor air pollution and safer cooking;
  • Increase of socio-economic benefits for the population due to the reduced demand forest charcoal and firewood.


MoCarbon is owned by PAN AFRICA CARBON INITIATIVES HOLDING B.V (PACI), a company incorporated under the laws of Holland with its registered office at Ondernemingsweg 260 1422 DZ, Uithoorn , Netherlands (30%) and;  INCHGOWER BV, a company incorporated under the laws of Holland with its registered office at Ondernemingsweg 260 1422 DZ, Uithoorn , Netherlands (70%).