Abate de viaturas
Abate de Viaturas MozCarbon2
Abate de Viaturas MozCarbon2
ANÚNCIO DE CONCURSO – AQUISIÇÃO DE EQUIPAMENTO INDUSTRIAL A Mozambique Carbon Initiatives LDA (MozCarbon) é uma empresa moçambicana que desenvolve suas atividades na área do ambiente e tem como fim último identificar, promover e comercializar os créditos de carbono no mercado. Actua em diversas áreas que incluem projectos de eficiência energética através da disseminação de fogões …
Abate de Viaturas MozCarbon
Mozambique Carbon Initiatives LDA operates on the mitigation of the impacts of climate change by implementing emission reductions projects in different areas comprising the dissemination of clean biomass cookstoves in peri-urban and rural areas, the dissemination of home solar systems for basic energy services and productive use and forestry projects. Additionally, our organization offer environmental …
Looking to generate carbon credits from your cookstove project? We are here to help you! Read More »
Do you want to contribute to a more sustainable future. We have ideas to help you. Mozambique Carbon Initiatives LDA operates on the mitigation of the impacts of climate change by implementing emission reductions projects in different areas comprising the dissemination of clean biomass cookstoves in peri-urban and rural areas, the dissemination of home solar …
Enhance your contribution to Sustainability. We are here to help you! Read More »
Currently MozCarbon develops a Program Activities (PoA)- “Efficient and clean cooking for Mozambican low income households” to disseminate charcoal improved stovesl through the Gold Standard certification scheme in the peri-urban neighborhoods of Maputo city and Maputo province. In addition to the reduction of Greenhouse Gases, the project aims to contribute to reducing deforestation and forest …
Stakeholders Consultation for new MozCarbon Improved Cookstoves (ICS) Project-VPA3) Read More »
CONVITE PARA SUBMISSÃO DE COMENTÁRIOS, RECLAMAÇÕES E SUGESTÕES NO ÂMBITO DO PROJECTO DE FOGÕES MELHORADOS (VPA3) MAPUTO 27 de Novembro de 2018 A Mozambique Carbon Initiatives LDA (MozCarbon) é uma empresa moçambicana que opera na mitigação dos impactos das mudanças climáticas e está a implementar um programa de disseminação de fogões melhorados em Moçambique, estando …